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True Admiration ...

For this woman.... has pulled me out of my hiatus to post....Just for you Edie .... We have never met face to face but I know her, she has stepped away from her career (a doctor ya'all) to home school her girls, she adores her MacDaddy and her older little's, Loves the Lord, can decorate with the best of them and is an awesome inspiration...she feels like a best friend.... Edie did this , this and ahhh  this is so me...oh and this made me laugh! and then this happened and I can't go to her blog or facebook and not sob for her pain because she is my friend.... Like that sweater you never want to let go of because it makes you feel good, warm and cozy.... Today, well now it was yesterday, it's her birthday! Because of this post I ran right out and bought this.... I was going to insert my aqua vintage stapler....but I don't have time for that right now because I have to get this up!! So that Edie knows....I adore her! I love that she makes me feel...

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