
My husband tells me last night

the moon is going at it's brighest for some length of time

I wander to the window

wow sure does look pretty

clouds moving quickly by the moon


I go off to bed with a smile

the moon sure is a wonderful thing

sweet dreams are in order....

deep from my sleep I hear a puppy crying

oh it is so cold outside

single digits

I throw back the blankets

the freeze of the air hits me

slide on my slippies...hardwood floors are pretty but cold

and run to the hall window

throw it open ...ACK Brrrrr!!!

listening very carefully for this cry

you know the cry of a puppy

outside and alone with no mommy to keep it warm

Oh the poor thing will surely die in this cold

listened for what seems like 1/2 and hour

I heard nothing...

I stumble back to my goose down comforter....

slide back in

oh now that is better****warmth

and then

I heard the cry again

It was my husbands nose!!

Got that cleared up and my sons dog decided to start barking at 4 am....



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