Christmas thrill

Is this not the greatest outfit on the planet!!! I found it on Etsy at momiboutique. I love it!!
With that, Madigan I so adore you. I have to post this so that it is documented, here in my journal. I copied this from her caringbridge site
This child....I tell ya!! She was playing with the cords that go to her brothers xbox 360 (game thingy) and I had asked her not to because it was a very expensive thingy and he bought it with his birthday money. I didn't want her to have to give up her birthday money to fix it. Two seconds later she tipped the whole unit grinding inside I yell...she says "I'm sorry mommy." It was all better with those kind words. She begins dancing, all you parents know the potty dance, I ask " are you OK?" she replies "yep, I have to go potty", off she runs. She is getting to be such a big girl I don't follow her, I think she can wipe herself. A few moments later she comes out with her shirt pulled down, further than normal. She had done this a couple of nights ago at GG and Papa's, she was hiding GG's lip balm all wrapped up in her shirt. So I ask what she has and she tells me to look, so I pull her shirt up and I don't see anything. She says with a smile a mile long "look in my underpants". I say "oh Madigan please tell me you didn't put my lip gloss in your underpants" as I am pulling them away from her cute little self. "Nope" she tells me, still smiling all proud and my eyes roll over the scene I about wet myself laughing, there in the littlest petshop undies, perfectly placed is a maxi pad.
This child is such a blessing to all of us.

She is so precious and she is hysterical!!! Her outfit and her sweet little face w/ those big eyes makes me want another little girl. Mine is too old now for me to dress. :( That story.... Oh I wish I could have been there. LOLOLOL