In the mood....
This years tree....

Do you ever stop and just I mean really, just reflect on everything!!

Our little family has been through SO much in it's short little time. We married in May, that same year his dad had open heart surgery, WOW stress. Got pregnant, woo hoo but still stressful. We gave birth to Sir William's first child, well you know Q1 and Q2 he inherited when he asked me to marry him. So he wasn't new at being a dad just at changing diapers and crying in the night, from more than just a baby, not really but there are days I could cry. Then the taking in of two teens (not ours) who have seen more than most adults, loving them to this day as if they were my own children. I think it is easy to do, love children that is. I wish they were still here with us....even if I do get stressed out. The same year as giving birth and taking in 2 extra children we learned that our sweet baby had a spinal problem. Things have just become a blur for me. This year she has had 4 spinal surgeries. She requires much of my time....she is beautiful and smart and fun!!
My dad has stage 4 lung cancer, crashed last labor day, it will haunt me forever. My mother has not been feeling so well... there are many other items that should really be listed but..... in the end, When I lay my head down at the end of a long day I start to think... Do my kids really understand how much they mean to me, to Sir William...
Through all my stressed days of not thinking before I speak, do they know that they are my world? Our world. We adore our children!!
Q1 our 16 yr old is GORGEOUS, she is extremely smart and gifted in anything she attempts to do. Oh my boy, 14 and everything any bright girl would want....not only his he CUTE, he's compassionate, loyal and a very determined fella'!
Then this guy...Mmmmmm I can't get enough time with him.

Do I get upset some days with him, sure it's what makes me human. Generally it is fault of my own that I am mad...through it all
He's so fun to be with, he's totally NOT a morning person, he loves to shop and he loves me and OUR children!!
What more could a girl want!!
So, is it Christmas that has put me in the mood of writting it down and wanting them to know...maybe, certainly I do know I love them this much everyday.
Love to all you sugar babes out there and hope you make the most of your family! Despite the stress hug your loved ones.

Do you ever stop and just I mean really, just reflect on everything!!

Our little family has been through SO much in it's short little time. We married in May, that same year his dad had open heart surgery, WOW stress. Got pregnant, woo hoo but still stressful. We gave birth to Sir William's first child, well you know Q1 and Q2 he inherited when he asked me to marry him. So he wasn't new at being a dad just at changing diapers and crying in the night, from more than just a baby, not really but there are days I could cry. Then the taking in of two teens (not ours) who have seen more than most adults, loving them to this day as if they were my own children. I think it is easy to do, love children that is. I wish they were still here with us....even if I do get stressed out. The same year as giving birth and taking in 2 extra children we learned that our sweet baby had a spinal problem. Things have just become a blur for me. This year she has had 4 spinal surgeries. She requires much of my time....she is beautiful and smart and fun!!
My dad has stage 4 lung cancer, crashed last labor day, it will haunt me forever. My mother has not been feeling so well... there are many other items that should really be listed but..... in the end, When I lay my head down at the end of a long day I start to think... Do my kids really understand how much they mean to me, to Sir William...
Through all my stressed days of not thinking before I speak, do they know that they are my world? Our world. We adore our children!!
Q1 our 16 yr old is GORGEOUS, she is extremely smart and gifted in anything she attempts to do. Oh my boy, 14 and everything any bright girl would want....not only his he CUTE, he's compassionate, loyal and a very determined fella'!
Then this guy...Mmmmmm I can't get enough time with him.

Do I get upset some days with him, sure it's what makes me human. Generally it is fault of my own that I am mad...through it all
He's so fun to be with, he's totally NOT a morning person, he loves to shop and he loves me and OUR children!!
What more could a girl want!!
So, is it Christmas that has put me in the mood of writting it down and wanting them to know...maybe, certainly I do know I love them this much everyday.
Love to all you sugar babes out there and hope you make the most of your family! Despite the stress hug your loved ones.
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